How do I set up my Bevatel account?

Follow the step-by-step guide in the 'Getting Started' section of the user guide for account setup instructions.

Can I integrate Bevatel with my existing CRM system?

Yes, Bevatel offers integration options with various CRM systems. Refer to the 'Integration' section for detailed instructions.

What communication channels/inboxes can I connect with Bevatel?

Bevatel supports multiple inboxes including website live chat, email, Facebook, Google My Business (Google Maps Chat), WhatsApp, etc. See the 'INBOXES' section for more details.

How do I use the mobile app for on-the-go management?

The mobile app section in the user guide provides information on using Bevatel's Android and iOS apps for managing conversations remotely.

What are canned responses and how do I use them?

Canned responses are pre-set replies for common queries. The 'Canned Responses' section explains how to create and use them.

How can I ensure my team's conversations are prioritized effectively?

Refer to the 'Conversation Priority' subsection under 'Features' for strategies on managing conversation flow.

What is CSAT and how is it measured in Bevatel?

CSAT, or Customer Satisfaction Score, is a key metric in Bevatel. The 'CSAT' subsection provides details on its calculation and usage.

Can I create custom attributes for contacts in Bevatel?

Yes, the 'Custom Attributes' section explains how to personalize contact information fields.

What reporting tools does Bevatel offer?

Bevatel provides various reporting tools. The 'Reports' section details how to access and interpret these reports.

How do I manage folders in Bevatel?

The 'Folders' subsection under 'Features' details how to organize conversations and data effectively.

Is multilingual support available in Bevatel?

Yes, Bevatel offers multilingual support. The 'Multilingual Support' section explains how to set up and use this feature.

How do I use the pre-chat form feature?

The 'Pre Chat Form' subsection provides guidance on creating forms that users fill out before starting a chat.

What are Dynamic Variables and how do I use them?

Dynamic variables are dynamic fields in messages. The 'Dynamic Variables' section explains their setup and usage.

How do I manage user access and permissions in Bevatel?

User access and permissions can be managed through the account settings, as detailed in the 'Custom Roles' section.

How do I handle messaging limits and quality ratings?

The 'Capacity, Quality Rating, and Messaging Limits' section provides insights into managing these aspects effectively.

What should I do if I encounter a bug or issue?

Report any bugs or issues using the 'Report Bug' feature in the user guide, or contact Bevatel's support team for assistance.

How to Verify Facebook Business Manager Account?

To verify your Facebook Business Manager Account, you need to access your Business Manager settings, select your business, and start the verification process in the Security Center. This involves providing business details and submitting official documents for Facebook's review. For a detailed walkthrough, please refer to our user guide at Bevatel's Meta Business Verification.

Last updated