Create Channel

"Effortlessly set up your Email channel in Bevatel using these straightforward steps, enabling seamless communication with your customers."

Setup your Email channel

Step 1. Open your Bevatel dashboard. Go to Settings → Inboxes → Add Inbox.

Step 2. Click on the "Email" icon.

Step 3. Enter the channel name (how you’d like to address this channel), and your support email and click on Create Email Channel button.

Step 4. "Add agents" to your email inbox.

Hooray! You have successfully created an email inbox.

Step 5. Configure your email settings. Go to Settings → Inboxes → Email Inbox settings → Configuration tab.

You can configure your Bevatel email inbox in the following two ways.

  1. Forward to Email

In the inbox configuration's collaborators section:

  • When you add an agent in the Agent field, any user designated as an agent can see and access this inbox from the Conversation module. They can manage conversations in this inbox.

  • However, when you add a team in the Team field, users attempting to assign conversations to a specific team from the Conversation module will only see the teams that have been added to the related inbox. This restricts conversation assignment options to the teams associated with the particular inbox, ensuring that conversations are appropriately distributed among the specified teams.

Last updated