
"The Overview page offers live metrics on open conversations, agent status, and conversation traffic, including key data points such as total open, unattended, and unassigned conversations.....


Overview page is a live view. It shows below live metrics.

  • Open conversations

  • Agent status

  • Conversations by agents

Open conversations

Open conversations shows 3 types of metric in account level.

Agent status

It shows the number of agents in online, busy, and offline status.

Conversation traffic

The conversation traffic heatmap shows what times of the day are the busiest for the last seven days. Each cell represents the number of conversations received as a color shade; hovering over a cell will show the number of conversations received for that hour of the day.

Conversations by agents

This is an agent-level conversation metric. This metric shows the number of open, Resolved, And Snoozed conversations for each agent in the account.

Last updated