
"Use the Campaign Filter to refine your analysis, view message statistics, and access detailed logs for failed and engagement messages in one convenient tool."

Campaign Filter

  • Frequency and date — Select a date range from the drop-down list to be applied to the report. Alternatively, you can define the date range by frequency. The following options are available:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last Month

  • Select Campaigns: Choose the campaigns you want to include in your analysis by selecting them from the available options. This filter helps you focus on specific campaign performance.

  • You can refine the view of the report components by adding more filter(s). The following filters are available:

    • Select Team

    • Select Agent

    • Select Inbox

  • Clear All — You can use this option to reset the filters to the default selections.

All Messages Send: This category provides the total number of messages sent.

Success Message Send: This category represents the number of messages that were successfully sent.

Failed Messages: This category denotes the messages that failed to be sent for various reasons.

Message Engagement: This category reflects the level of engagement or interaction with the messages sent, such as reads, clicks, or responses.

Failed Messages Log

The "Failed Messages Log" table provides a comprehensive record of messages that failed to be sent. It includes the following columns:

  1. Message Time: Indicates the timestamp when the failed message was attempted to be sent.

  2. Contact Name: Specifies the name of the intended recipient or contact associated with the failed message.

  3. Sender Name: Identifies the name of the sender who initiated the message.

  4. Content: Contains the content of the failed message, allowing you to identify the specific message that encountered issues.

  5. Inbox: Denotes the inbox or channel through which the message was attempted to be sent.

  6. Campaign Id: Associates the failed message with a specific campaign, providing context for your campaign tracking.

  7. External Error: May provide details about external errors or issues that caused the message to fail. It can be a valuable source of information for troubleshooting and resolution.

Engagement Messages Log

The "Engagement Messages Log" table offers an organized record of messages related to engagement. It contains the following columns:

  1. Download: This option allows you to download the log or data from the table for further analysis or record-keeping.

  2. Message Time: Displays the timestamp for each message, indicating when it was sent or received.

  3. Contact Name: Specifies the name of the recipient or contact associated with each message.

  4. Sender Name: Identifies the sender's name or entity responsible for sending the message.

  5. Content: Contains the content of the messages, giving you access to the actual message text.

  6. Inbox: Denotes the specific inbox or channel through which the messages were sent or received.

  7. Campaign Id: Associates each message with a specific campaign, providing context for campaign-related analysis.

Last updated