
"Use date and source filters. Contacts Chart tracks changes, Contact Source shows acquisition channels, and Contact Logs offer detailed activity records."


  • Frequency and date — Select a date range from the drop-down list to be applied to the report. Alternatively, you can define the date range by frequency. The following options are available:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last Month

  • You can refine the view of the report components by adding more filter(s). The following filters are available:

    • Select Source

    • Select Agent

  • Clear All — You can use this option to reset the filters to the default selections.

Contacts Chart

The Contacts chart is a valuable tool for tracking changes in your contact list. Here's how to effectively interpret and use this chart:

1. Contacts Added:

  • This section displays the number of new contacts added to your list during a specific time frame.

  • It helps you monitor and assess the growth of your contact database.

2. Contacts Deleted:

  • The Contacts Deleted section shows the number of contacts that have been removed from your list within a given period.

  • This metric is essential for managing data quality and compliance with opt-out requests.

Contact Source

The Contact Source chart provides insights into the various channels through which your contacts are acquired. Here's how to effectively interpret and use this chart:

1. Contact:

  • This section displays the number of contacts that have been added through direct contact, such as manual entry or individual interactions.

  • It reflects the number of contacts originating from personal engagements.

2. User:

  • The User section shows the number of contacts added by users or individuals within your organization.

  • It represents contacts added by members of your team.

3. API:

  • The API section indicates the number of contacts added through automated processes using an Application Programming Interface (API).

  • These contacts are typically added in a bulk or systematic manner.

Contact (Added/Deleted) Logs

The Contact (Added/Deleted) Logs is a detailed record of activities related to adding or removing contacts from your database. Here's how to effectively use this log:

1. Search:

  • Use the search feature to filter and find specific activities, contacts, or timeframes.

2. Report Columns:

  • Contact Id: Displays a unique identifier for each contact, making it easy to differentiate between contacts.

  • Contact Name: Specifies the name of the contact associated with the activity.

  • Activity Time: Shows the timestamp when the activity occurred.

  • Activity: Describes the specific action taken, whether it's adding or deleting a contact.

  • Source: Indicates the source or method through which the contact was added or deleted.

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