Client APIs

Leverage Bevatel's client APIs to create customized customer interfaces, including chat widgets, mobile app integrations, platformxtensions, for efficient customer data and interaction management.

Create Interfaces using client APIs

Note: These APIs are still in alpha, and there might be changes in the implementation in future.

Client APIs available for the API channel will help you build customer-facing interfaces for Bevatel.

These APIs are useful for cases similar to the ones described below.

  1. Use a custom chat interface instead of the Bevatel chat widget

  2. Build conversational interfaces into your mobile apps

  3. Add Bevatel to other platforms for which Bevatel doesn't have an official SDK

Creating customer objects​

You can create and retrieve customer data objects using the inbox_identifier and customer_identifier.

Inbox Identifier​

You can obtain the inbox_identifier from your API channel -> Settings -> Configuration

Customer Identifier​

The customer_identifier or the source_id can be obtained when creating the customer using the create API. You will need to store this identifier on your client side to make further requests on behalf of the customer. This can be done in cookies, local storage etc.

Available APIs​

Some of the things you can do via the APIs are

  • Create, View and Update Contact

  • Create and List Conversations

  • Create, List and Update Messages

HMAC Authentication​

The Client APIs also support HMAC Authentication. The HMAC token for the Channel can be obtained via running the following on your rails console.

# replace api_inbox_id with your inbox id

Connecting to the Bevatel WebSockets​

To receive real-time updates from the agent dashboard, You can connect to the Bevatel WebSockets. Bevatel WebSockets connecting can be made at the following URL

<your installation url>/cable

Authenticating your WebSocket connection​

You will start receiving the events directed towards your customer object after subscribing using the customer pubsub_token. pubsub_token is provided during the customer-created API call.


const connection = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000/cable');
connection.send(JSON.stringify({ command:"subscribe", identifier: "{\"channel\":\"RoomChannel\",\"pubsub_token\":\""+ customer_pubsub_token+"\"}" }));

Last updated