
Bevatel's Contacts section serves as your customer database, enabling contact management, messaging, note-taking, imports, and advanced filtering for efficient communication and record-keeping.


The contacts section in Bevatel contains the details of End Users/Customers that you have interacted with using the Bevatel Widget. You can consider it as a Customer Data Base.

Click on Contacts on the Home Screen.

A Screen will open which will have Contacts(if already added). Or else a blank screen where Contacts can be added.

Here are actions you can perform on existing contacts from Contact Module:

  • Edit Contact: This action allows you to update or modify the information associated with a contact, ensuring that your contact details remain accurate and up to date.

  • Merge Contacts: Merging contacts enables you to consolidate duplicate or similar entries into a single, coherent contact profile, reducing redundancy in your database.

  • Delete Contact: Deleting a contact removes them from your database, effectively ending your interaction with that particular contact. Use this action with caution, as it permanently removes their information.

  • Block Contact: Blocking a contact prevents them from initiating further communication with you, providing a layer of protection against unwanted interactions.

  • Send New Message: This action enables you to initiate a fresh conversation with the contact, allowing you to communicate or follow up with them as needed.

Contacts can be added to the list in 3 ways. One is to add the contact yourself by clicking the New Contact button on the right-hand side.

Second way is to collect the contact information through the Pre chat forms.

The third way is when the customer enters the email id in the Channel Greeting message.

Once the contacts are available in your contact list, you can edit the details as and when needed.

Outbound conversations

You can send outbound conversations from your contact page to the following conversation channels.

  • Website ( only to HMAC-identified contacts )

  • Email

  • Whatsapp

How to send outbound conversations?

  1. Click on the outbound conversation icon on the contact page

  2. Select the conversation Inbox

  3. Fill in the message contents

  4. Click send

Note: When an agent creates an outbound conversation, the conversation will automatically be assigned to that agent.

Contacts Notes

Bevatel has a dedicated page for adding notes to each contact in your directory. This allows you to add notes and important information to a specific contact. You can use this to manually log a call, email, or meeting you had with the customer.

How to add a note to a contact?

  1. Click on the Contacts menu item from the Bevatel Dashboard.

  2. Select a Contact from the list. (Click on the contact name)

  3. Write down your note.

  4. Click on the "Add" button or press Cmd + Enter.

Bevatel allows you to format and highlight your notes with Bold, italic and all other other basic formatting options. You can even add numbered or unordered lists.

How to delete a contact note?

Simply click on the delete icon on the right side of the note.

Import Contacts

Bevatel allows you to bulk import contacts from a CSV file. To import contacts

  1. Navigate to the Contacts page from the sidebar.

  2. Click on the Import button in the top right corner.

  3. Select the CSV file you would like to import to Bevatel.

  4. Click on the Import button to upload the CSV file to complete the process.

How the import works.

Search Contacts

You can search all contacts by entering the name, email ID, or phone number in the search on top in the Bevatel contacts screen.

Search currently filters the contacts based on the name, email ID, or phone number.

Filtering Contacts

Bevatel let's you apply advanced filters for your contacts. You will have the ability to filter contacts with multiple attributes at once and even query them with AND and OR operators.

Bevatel offers filtering contacts by the below attributes:

  1. Contact Name

  2. Contact Email

  3. Phone number

  4. Contact Identifier

  5. Country

  6. City

To filter contacts, click on the Filter button on the top right corner of the Bevatel contacts screen.


To get all contacts who are not from "The USA" and have names containing "John"

  1. Set the 1st filter type as "Name", the operator as "Contains" and the value as "John"

  2. Click on the "Add Filter" button

  3. Set the 2nd filter type "Country" as the filter type, "Not Equal to" as the operator, and "United States of America" as the value.

  4. Hit Submit, and the contacts list will now be filtered by the above criteria.

You can apply as many filters as you want, by combining them with AND and OR operators to create complex queries and funnel your list to specific needs.

To clear the filters and go back to the original list, simply click on the "Clear Filters" button in the filters popup.

Last updated