
Effortlessly create your WhatsApp channel with 360Dialog API and configure callback settings seamlessly in Bevatel for efficient customer communication.

Setup your WhatsApp channel with 360Dialog API

Step 1. Open your Bevatel dashboard. Go to Settings → Inboxes → Add Inbox.

Step 2. Click on the "WhatsApp" icon.

Step 3. Choose "360Dialog" as the API provider. Fill in the appropriate details.

Click Create 360Dialog Channel after filling in the information.

Step 4. "Add agents" to your inbox.

Hooray! You have successfully created a WhatsApp inbox.

Additional Inbox settings

Your freshly configured WhatsApp inbox should now appear in your list of inboxes. To see this and to make additional settings in your WhatsApp inbox, go to Settings → Inboxes → click the gear icon on the associated WhatsApp inbox.

Last updated