Reporting a Bug in Bevatel Business Chat

If you encounter a bug while using Bevatel Business Chat, your reports are invaluable in helping us improve the service. Here’s a simple guide on how to report a bug.

Step 1: Access the Bug Reporting Page

Step 2: Check Existing Reports

  • Before submitting a new report, browse through existing bug reports to see if your issue has already been reported.

Step 3: Log In or Create an Account

  • To submit a bug report, you'll need to log in. If you don’t have a account, you can quickly create one using your email address.

Step 4: Submit Your Bug Report

  • Click on the ‘Report a Bug’ button.

  • Provide a detailed description of the bug. Include:

    • The specific actions leading up to the bug.

    • The exact nature of the issue.

    • Any error messages you received.

  • Attach screenshots or videos if possible, as they greatly help in understanding the issue.

Step 5: Submit and Track

  • Once you’ve filled in all the details, submit your report.

  • You can track the status of your report and any responses from our team directly on Bevatel Business Chat Bug Reports.

Additional Tips:

  • Be as specific as possible in your descriptions.

  • Regularly check the page for any updates or responses to your report.

Last updated